Saturday, August 15, 2009


This is how I found Sam the other afternoon.....the music blarring (volume all the way maxed out). I could here the music from the other question could anyone fall asleep with this noise! I'll tell you (because I know you are on pins and needles), only the V. boys could. This is how Travis falls asleep at night...the i-pod or the tv on. I am constantly surrounded by noise...and it is such useless noise to me. Only late at night or early in the morning can I be still in the silence before or after the noise has consummed my life!!


Steph said...

So it sounds like you have repeating yourself multiple times and hearing aid appointments in your future. You and Travis can make it a date day. Hearing aid appt and then Carrow's.

Stephen Abbas said...

If I could just lay and drift off listening to my Ipod. Many hours have been spent that way.