Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dance Party & Announcer Training

Evenings can be a little crazy around here at times, but one of our favorite things to do is crank the music loud and have a dance party. The boys come up with some pretty interesting moves! (I guess, so do mom and dad!!)

I realized last night that I am surrounded be testosterone at all times. I was sitting quietly writing out some Christmas cards at the kitchen table. In the midst, Luke and Sam are wrestling in the living room, and Travis is practicing his best announcers voice for the next heavyweight boxing championship bout in the kitchen. He practices often ( I think he is expecting the call anytime)! I just had to laugh to myself, and hope no one comes peeking through our windows.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jesus Vs. Santa

One of the hardest things to do this time of year is to keep the emphasis on the perfect gift of Jesus, and not on Santa. This has been challenging with the boys. How could it not when they can see pictures of Santa everywhere! It is hard to grasp faith in something you can't see at such a young age, but the MOST important time to try and explain it.

We came home from church this afternoon, and Travis' stomach was upset. He asked Sam to pray for him. Sam says, "Dear Jesus, Please send Santa to listen to daddy's tummy and make it feel better. Jesus, God, We love you, Amen."